This may be a FAQ all over the world. If I answer something, my blog may get flooded by comments. So I hesitate to say. But for the people suffering in Math, or as “a principle of bravery”, or for motivating you, I will tell you my opinions.

First, this question is sorrow. The fact that you can’t understand Math irritates you, and you may say “What’s this? Ah?” It’s often in Japan and other countries. But it’s only complaints, and it’s no use. Please be constructive.
Second, is Math useful? For individual case, it depends, of course. For me, I earn money by teaching Math.
For general case, Math is useful. For example, without help from trigonometric function, you can’t get any smartphone. Because this function is useful on controlling phenomenon of waves. All smartphone work on radio waves. Do you know how electric waves work in radiocommunications? It works on the knowledges of radio waves which contain them about trigonometric function.
I expand on individual case. If you want to use Math enough, you should study Math to the “useful” level. I think this is similar to studying foreign languages, like French, German, etc.
So, it is important that you have a enough motivation or passion, and the effective methods about learning Math. This is one of the reasons that I write this blog.

See you next.

Nasuno Kumao


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